Friday July 26, 2024

Road Kings - System 11 MPU Repair
  Posted by: AceBHound on May 10th, 2012 5:26 PM
I've been busy the last few weeks working on a lot of house projects, disrupted with my computer due to home office getting redone. I've worked on some pinball projects though.. much of my time the last month has been assembly-line building some new Bally/Stern MPU boards that require probably near 200 components each. I also bought a few new pinball machines and got a chance to work on them some. Most recently just sent out a PCB board design to have my first prototype board made -- and yes it is pinball related. I plan to get some more prototypes made very soon now that I got the ball rolling there. Then once the prototypes look good I'll have some products for sale of my own creation. Exciting stuff really.

Anyway, I added some the System 11 MPU repair on a Road Kings to the Repair Log. I've had that repair done for a while now but just getting around to posting it. Road Kings is up and running, just need to replace a flipper assembly that's broken and I think it should be good to play! Check out the repair though.. it turned into a bit of a wild ride!

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