Friday July 26, 2024

Alleys, Pinballs, Arcade Games Oh My!
  Posted by: AceBHound on Nov 13th, 2011 5:21 PM
A little of everything this weekend. Played around with a Smart Ball "skeeball style" Alley that's non-working. Bridge Rectifier on the power supply was leaking A/C voltage. That's the first one of those I experienced, should have measured 6v D/C an was instead measuring 6v A/C. Usually only time I've had to replace a bridge is when it's shorted and blowing fuses. Alley still doesn't work and seem to be getting low voltage but some LEDs on the power supply & MPU light up so a little further. Oh and the picture of the alleys is just one I found online for the purpose of making this post prettier :)

Also messed around some with other pinball / arcade game stuff but at this point trying to get organized again after months of projects and tools that went missing =] Since it's getting colder & there's not a lot of days left before snowy weather hits, need to get anything I plan to work on over the winter inside.. plus there's the loose ends to tie up that come with owning a house. Should have more frequent updates coming soon.

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