Saturday July 27, 2024

Texas student spammer sued for $2 million
  Posted by: AceBHound on Jan 16th, 2005 9:34 PM
The Register has an article about a student spammer in Texas who ran the fourth largest spam operation in the world. He and his accomplices sent out spam dealing with mortgage refinancing and aimed to get user's personal information which could then be sold for up to $28 a lead. The reason I post this is because I had been receiving probably 10 or 15 emails a day that dealt refinancing or approval of a loan and just realized that I haven't been seeing as many of those spam messages coming through. Go figure =)

These spam messages often came with misleading subject lines and bogus sources, opening up the case for prosecution under the CAN-SPAM Act. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott also accuses the duo of violations of state laws, namely the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act and the Texas Electronic Mail Solicitation Act. Texan authorities worked with Microsoft and others to set up "spam traps" that allowed investigators to track the source of the junk mail back to PayPerAction and Leadplex.

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