Friday July 26, 2024

R/C Car + Camera, where do you want to go today?
  Posted by: AceBHound on Sep 28th, 2004 10:07 PM
Check it, check check it out! The Cyclops Camera Car is equipped with a small camera. Just imagine chasing your pets around with one of these.. or the ladies!

"Remember Knight Rider? …A shadowy flight into the world of a man who doesn't exist… (except perhaps in Germany)… Of course you do! And we all know who the real star of the show was. Yup, you guessed it, the soon to be Baywatch beach bum was completely eclipsed by his counterpart Kit! Now we're not trying to pretend that the Cyclops is another Kit – that would be blasphemous – but the Cyclops is definitely a distant relative."

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