Saturday July 27, 2024

From Table Hacks to CSS Layout: A Web Designer's Journey
  Posted by: AceBHound on Sep 18th, 2006 9:03 PM
A List Apart has some great articles on CSS layout which they have now combined into a comprehensive list for New Readers. Their articles are a great resource to building the foundation of any new website using web standards. One *very good* article on their list is From Table Hacks to CSS Layout: A Web Designer's Journey (2001) which discusses the many bad practices of web development in the 90s which are still in use today. It's an older article, but it is still very pertinent to today's web development, since some new sites are still being created without W3C compliance in mind. If you're involved in web development of any shape or form, these articles will surely ring home -- just try not to be too hard on yourself!

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