Saturday July 27, 2024

Basic Port Uptime Script

Date: 03/17/2005
Author: Wayne Eggert


This is a rather simple script to demonstrate an application that many server administrators could probably find useful -- an uptime notifcation script. As a server administrator, you are often in charge of keeping watch on a large number of services on servers. This script checks to see if it can successfully initate a connection to defined ports on a host, and if it's unable to, emails the designated recipients. You can of course define a mobile phone text messaging address & it will send notifications there as well. It could probably be modified to pull back a response from the a port & compare it to a message that the service should respond with, rather than just check if the port is up as it is currently.

// Host to check
$host ""// *** CHANGE THIS TO YOUR DOMAIN ***

// Define the ports we'll be checking
$ports = array(21=>"FTP",25=>"Sendmail",80=>"Apache Web Server",3306=>"MySQL Server");

// Initially assume there isn't a problem with the services
$problem 0;

// Check to see if a socket can be opened to each of the ports in $ports
foreach($ports as $port => $service){
$fp fsockopen($host,$port,$errno,$errstr,10); 
$portmsg.="Port ".$port." - ".$service."\n";

// Notify the intended recipients if there is a problem
if($problem == 1){
// send full email notifications of service outage
$recipients "";  // *** CHANGE THIS TO YOUR EMAIL ***
$msg date("M d, Y h:i:s",time())."\n\n";
$msg.= "The following service(s) were unreachable and may require immediate attention:\n\n";
$msg.= $portmsg
$subject 'Service Unreachable!';
$headers .= "From: Server Status <root@localhost>\r\n";
$headers .= "X-Sender: <root@localhost>\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: text; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
mail($recipients$subject$msg$headers) or die("Problem sending mail.");


  • The first few lines of the script define the host, ports to check & the services running on the ports, and set the variable indicating a problem (cleverly named $problem) to false.
  • The foreach loop runs through all the defined ports and attempts to make a connection using PHP's fsockopen function, which will return false if the script is unable to connect to the port.
  • Upon finding an issue with any of the ports being checked, the $problem variable will be set to true.
  • Finally, the script emails a notification to the user if any of the ports could not be reached.

Adding to CRON
This script is intended to be run periodically on a server or (for redudancy) several severs. You'd likely want to set it to run every 5-10 minutes, but you could set it to run more often depending upon how much of a priority the services you're checking are.

To add to CRON add the following lines to /etc/crontab or root's crontab:
*/10 * * * * root lynx -dump 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
*Be sure to replace with the appropriate http location of your script.

You could also run this using php's cgi executable, if you have it installed on your system (likely in /usr/bin/php).

While this script is pretty basic, even without checking port responses it's still valuable to a system admin that just wants to check if the ports are responding. Why pay a 3rd-party company to notify you if a few ports are down when you can utilize your own resources to check your servers? I don't advocate using this for life-or-death port monitoring situations, but for many users it should be more than adequate to get a heads up when a problem arises.

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